Sarais Crawshaw S.O.F.A.

From childhood, Sarais was encouraged to be curious about the natural world, & spent her spare time in the countryside, collecting and painting animals and plants. She took a Bachelor of Education degree specialising in Printmaking, and taught art in Coventry at secondary level until 1983 when she began work as a full time artist.
The majority of her work is based on her love of British wildlife. She spends time in the countryside around her home in Warwickshire, or in the wild places of Scotland and Northumberland. Quick field sketches, observation and photos are vital, as this helps to add authenticity to her work in the studio, in papercut, acrylic & pastel. She also loves to paint cats, both domestic and Big Cats, portraying their beauty and elegance.
Sarais exhibits regularly throughout the country from London to Gloucester & the Wirral, with The Wildlife Art Society International, the Society of Feline Artists, and locally with The Rugby & District Art Society. She enjoys giving talks, and demonstrations and teaching adult workshops. Her work is in demand by publishers of Greetings cards and magazine illustrations, and is found in private collections worldwide.